Saturday, April 10, 2010

weekend. a bit late.

brianna sent me a text asking
"when is the party coming home"


my weekend has flown by.
some of it faster than i wanted it to.
some of it wouldnt go by fast enough.
some of it was super fun.
some of it wasnt what i expected.
some of it exceeded my expectations.
some of it a dissapointment.

i must say though.
my pastor is VERY correct.
California does look better in the rear view mirror!

i flew to sacramento airport.
got my rental car.
drove to see my cousins.
robin and chris.

 we got manis & pedis.
had lunch at black bear.
i love her.
she is the bestest.
i went there for easter lunch.
we watched the blind side.
i cried like a baby!
being with them is SO comfortable.
i love it!

i spent most of the weekend with Vivi.
i forgot just how much i really do miss her!
she is a great girl.
with an AMAZING family.

we visited friends together.
went to wimpys.
played uno in bed.
went to the spa.
went to church.
went to another church.
dyed eggs.
went to the farmers market.
ate a peach pie.
went to a place that makes tshirts.
three times.
went to the mall.
went to target and walmart more than we should have.
went to the party.

caught up.
i love that girl.
she is an awesome person.
and i thank her SO much for hanging out.

vivianna & i playing UNO in bed.
we were lazy bums!
she made fun cuz i didnt have my glasses on.
and i couldnt see the cards. lol.

vivi & jayden (her son) coloring eggs.
such a good mommy!

jose (vivs husband) and ava (her daughter).
this baby has the same attitude as vivi does!
lol. i love it!

pretty eggs!

its the place my momma and dad met.
she loved his chest hair. *gag*
he came in and ordered burgers.
they hit it off.
watch out! :)
yummy burger & their special fries.
super yum!
if i didnt know what was on the inside.
i would never go here.
just because it looks creep from the outside.
i swear they havent repainted since i was there last.
six years ago.

we visited her mommy.
sister michelle.
she is the most awesome annointed lady.
i love her.
and want her in portland!

we visited winnie.
friday night.
and the poor meal was laying there.
getting ready to be cooked.
super yummy!

this baby is the sole reason i even went to cali.
so adorable.
Julie Armani Rose.
they gave her a piece of cake.
so cute.

we visited marjorie.
i miss her too!
more than i ever knew!

i went to Abundat Life Center.
for easter morning church.
they did the messiah.
so many memories.
i knew like no one there.
its defanitly NOT home anymore.

i took pictures of random places.
that bring back memories.
me and my brother would both order.
2 tacos, rice & beans.
id always get jello.

the house my momma grew up in.
the house i grew up being around.
it looks much different now.
but it still brings back soooo many memories.

i just like how this pic came out.
we would always walk here.
and get suckers.
the tootsie pop ones.
that had the indian shooting the star.

this would only really bring any memories to my family.
playing the letter game.
we would have to get close to clovis before ever finding
thank goodness for QUINN!

on the way back home.
i couldnt WAIT to get home.
back to my life.
back to normal.
back to portland.

i missed you whilst i was gone.

i am back.
and oh so happy.
im glad i went.
i got to hang out with viv and my cousins.
that was enough for me.

a few things were harder than i thought they would be.
a few were easier.

for brianna.
the party has returned.
oh yeah.


1 comment:

  1. sounds (and looks like) and awesome vacation!!!! :)

    and hey, i nominated you for a blog award. you should check it out!!! :

